Secure things – snap on mount for 3D Printers with standard linear rails used for CREALITY type printers – digital download


Digital Download – .stl file for 3D printing

Well, if you are looking for a clip to secure cables or mount plate or camera etc you may find this useful.
Its well designed and tested. I made it for myself and using it for all my printers so thought someone else may find it useful too,

Does not require any tool to mount it – it snaps on you insert it in the rail and turn it 90 degree and it will stay in place. using some pressure you can slide it.
Best for securing cables, mounting brackets to hold things around printer.

Feel free to add this to your design , please do not distribute it digitally but feel free to print as many as you like for your personal use.

Note: the file is zip – you will have to unzip it to get .stl file

Thank you

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