Ballwagon for Sphero Mini


Introducing the Ballwagon: a convenient attachment for endless fun with your Sphero Mini. Please note that the Sphero Mini shown in the picture is not included. This order includes only the 3D Printed Wagon designed to attach to the Sphero Mini. You can find the pre-printed item available for purchase on our Amazon store by searching for “Ballwagon for Sphero Mini.” If you’re interested in bulk orders, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, and we’ll accommodate any quantity you require. Thank you for considering our product!



Introducing the Ballwagon: a convenient attachment for endless fun with your Sphero Mini. Please note that the Sphero Mini shown in the picture is not included. This order includes only the 3D Printed Wagon designed to attach to the Sphero Mini. You can find the pre-printed item available for purchase on our Amazon store by searching for “Ballwagon for Sphero Mini.” If you’re interested in bulk orders, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, and we’ll accommodate any quantity you require. Thank you for considering our product!


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