Aalepinya 3D Printing Learning Center

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Adults | High School

45 minutes class once a week


This class is for you if…

  • You want to learn how 3D printer works or how to create 3D models and print them at home.
  • You just purchased a 3D printer and want to get started or become an expert.
  • You want your kids to learn how to make things the most modern way.
  • You want to learn how to make an print house hold items for daily use.
  • You have an idea and want to learn 3D printing to bring it to life.

About the Program

3D Printing is an interactive technology that engages students of all ages. Kids and adults of all ages can benefit from this amazing technology.

Just like a first painting you created, sweater you knitted, music you played or dish you cooked it is amazing to see a design you made on the computer screen become tangible 3D Objects right in front of your eyes.

Our learning program will provide hands on experience with design software and 3d printers all in one set up. This program is for all ages and we will cater to the needs of learner. Feel free to contact us if you are curious about this program and have any questions.

Classes available 7 days a week

After school hours in week days between 4 to 7 (once a week reasonable price).

No commitment needed cancel any time.

Special sessions available during weekends upon request.

Classes available 7 days a week

After school hours in week days between 4 to 7 (once a week reasonable price).

No commitment needed cancel any time.

Special sessions available during weekends upon request.

Our content policy prohibits

Weapons, Export control Items, critical parts, Intellectual property infringements and illegal, false or offensive parts.

By submitting your file you agree that you have rights to use all uploaded information including but not limited to the model, drawing or design and Aalepinya is not liable for any copyright or license infringement or related claims. You accept all and any liability related to license or copyright infringement in its entirety.

If you have any doubts whether your file complies with our content policy, please discuss with customer support prior to providing any files.

By submitting your files you agree to our General terms, Quotation Terms and privacy policy.